September 13, 2007

What is up with that?

Regarding the poem "Why..."
Hummm... sat and read that like three times and started to felt kinda emotional. What the hell!!!? Those are the words that went through my head as I started to feel a little sad on the inside.

For those of you who do not know the underlaying meaning behind it. I'll shed some light
First of all. Have you highlighted the entire poem?
Second of all. It is NOT copied from anywhere (that i know of - cause i constructed it manually)
Third of all. I was not in a depressed state of mind or had anything on my mind when I began to write this, so I am thereby NOT CUTTING MYSELF OR ANYTHING. I just started with a "Why..." and it just went on.

Here we go
The point to this poem is that it shows a typical relationship. Basically it's about a relationship that dies because of one thing, communication. Very important. Why is it blacked out? The white part indicates the - one sided-ness of the relationship. When the black part is revealed, it shows the other part of the relationship that was not communicated across (hence the "fade out"). The "chorus" is just there as a divider and a time skip of the relationship.
The second part is the destabilization of the relationship, where one side is confused about what the other side wants.
Third part shows complete destruction and separation of the relationship, it's portrayed by just a massive amount of questions and confusion from both sides. And then they break up. But still... one side still loves on.


heeyeol said...

pan, deeply impressed with this poem. Pity not many people read this blog. get your word out!

Pannis McMannis said...

true that... true that *puts it on recommended reads*

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

hahaha i totally did not realise how to read the stupid poem properly

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

Btw does this have any relevance pertaining to your past relationship?

castalnetta said...

in a relationship, there will always be the question of why.. and what if..

linnykins said...
