September 18, 2007

Mr. I-think-pan-is-emo!

JAS 35C Gripen Pilot raised an interesting point (comment) he said "Whats with all the weird poems of late?"
Well mr... Gripen Pilot... whatever that is...
I do not know! Maybe I'm just more connected to english than I originally thought/intended to. Maybe... maybe... It's my way of saying something to someone... Maybe.. it's my way of expressing hundred word posts in 20 words. Maybe.... I JUST FEEL LIKE WRITING POEMS... Naw.. can't be the last case. Must be something going on - says you, who reads this. *nods* and says... "He's emo!"
Well I'll tell you mr. I-think-pan-is-emo! You might be right... or mr. I-think-pan-is-emo is just afriad to admit that he is an emo! (wait that doesn't work) But anyway! I'm not gonna go buy some razor blades from the shop and start cutting myself anytime soon. Cause it's just so expensive!!! heh.
"Just a little more in touch with myself than you~~"


Silent Observer said...

ok no.
ur insecure and emo coz of the candy thing... its not hard.

heeyeol said...

dude, dont u start wearing ur mum or sister's make-up and buying razor blades!!!!!

Cheer up emo kid!

heres a joke for ya

"how many emos does it take to change a lightbulb???"

"none. they prefer to sit in the dark..."

have a good one :P

Pannis McMannis said...

Right.... i burned myself with a reducing agent!! *ohh the pain* hahaha