October 10, 2008

Why humans are stupid

Evolution.... if it were real (for those who favour creationism), the logic goes... smarter people produce smarter babies.. and dumb people produce dumber babies.
RIGHT! That's the basics, lets assume smart people stick with smart people, dumb people stick with dumb people.
Smart people plan for families
Smart people try to have successful careers (primary focus on career and not on reproduction)
Dumb people do whatever
Dumb people can't have a great career so they fornicate one another (primary focus on reproduction)
Heat and bake with evolution, genetic drift on for several thousand years.
So.... the amount of babies that the dumb people produce will be more than smart people.
Conclusion : Dumb people are a plenty, smart ones are harder to find.
Solution : Snip reproductive systems off from people with an IQ lower than (X) and provide a better system for smart people having kids.
But that's inhumane!!! Stupid humans!


Random in the corner said...

how about you just snip anyone that is not in a profession?
if smart people have a career, then manual labour people should get the snip right??

do you know what would happen??? we would have companies full of management.... and no one doing anything...

smart people dont tend to help the work... its the lower income people that produce growth.

andychoi said...

You can't forget the fact that its the people worse than us that makes us feel better about ourselves. If everyone was a smartass I'd go fucking Clockwork Orange and display some ultra violence to smash their ever growing heads back into place.