October 24, 2008

Team effort

Just recently, i was part of a group project, and you know what REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS!!? People who say, "I'll get it done, sweet OKAY!!" and then... the following few weeks.. NADA! Zilch!! Zero. And when confronted, they say "oh sorry, I was meaning to get it done" (MEANING ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOOL) So now, that 'forgiven' person is set a new task... and you guessed it, same thing happens AGAIN! There's a saying, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, I can't be fooled again (Pres G.W.Bush Jr.) - I love that stupid quote, but you all know the original right? But as a group we decided to turn a blind eye.

This happened several times (that and him not showing up to meetings bothered the collective) till the point where we just accepted failure from any task that he would perform. At the final few days, he managed to pull off his designated task by burning the midnight oil and get it done. I'm sorry, but that's just not good enough. There are a lot of sayings about limiting factors - the collective is only as strong as the weakest. (I can't rephrase that in a more elegant way as I can't be bothered so no flaming about this particular clause)

This person, fails at being a team player. But what can we do? Not like we can fire him from a "random drawn" team.... *sigh* and we're one of the top 5 groups... just to think there are MORE dysfunctional people in other groups *shudder*

For future reference, please do not say "i'll get it done" and not report to anyone about your progress of "lack-of". If you're not gonna do it, don't say you're gonna do it. If you are, keep us updated!!! grrrr angry!

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