February 18, 2008

Harmful Truths

Hiding the truth from the people you love may seem like a good idea every way you look at it. That is.... in favour for you! It's the victims that gets the shorter end of the stick no matter what. It's a lose lose situation for the one being sheilded from the truth. Every time, when the truth does come out, he/she would usually say that they would've rather known the truth, but is that true? If you did tell them, they'd probably shut you down, and it may make the friendship tare.
Is it better to say harmful things if it's the truth? Or is it better to say nothing and still be harmful?
What kind of person are you?

1 comment:

andychoi said...

This whole fkn world run on deception. If found, I'd condemn, but as long as one's good at it and never gets caught, I got nothing against it.