May 11, 2008

We simply don't care

Sitting at home, completely unaware of the growing explosive tumor in my brain that is a ticking time bomb. Which is one possibility of my demise, yours too. But we carry on with our lives as it were normal, unknowingly making arrangements that we will not be able to attend to, making promises that we can not keep. Because you're dead and all~~ No grudges can be held there - I hope.
The question that comes up often in our lives as we receive bad news that we can not do anything about. Is it really worth knowing if you can not do a damn about it? War in some middle eastern place that we can't do anything about. Brain tumor that's growing inside citizen A's head that will explode in 10 seconds from now? Unconsciously we make the choice not to care deeply about these people who are not directly connected to us.
I'm not saying we should shed a thousand tears for each individual that passes away. In contrast to not giving a damn about your dying parents. I'm simply raising the issue to the fact that us being human beings do not care much about others that we can not feel the effects of. Sadly but true, we do not give a damn about something that does not affect directly.
A sad and true fact.


JAS 35C Gripen Pilot said...

The answer is that there is no physical/emotional connection. How can we even think about people on the other side of the world??

I mean, yes it is tragic that shit like the Myanmar tornado happens but we, who have not experienced that kind of thing cannot begin to even sympathise with any of their griefs or laments.

If your friend goes through something, we feel for them. If someone in say Germany dies, we go wow thats bad and move on. Why? Because that person most likely won't impinge on our future lives as likely as our close friend for example. It's not quite the fact that we do not care. Its just that we don't know and do not have any kind of understanding for them

andychoi said...

I dunno man. Although I've never met the dude, I really do feel for that guy who got his ass punctured by that bull on Von's blog...

Ah shit...