Might actually consider making a new PannisPhotog :D If i decide to take more pictures, was thinking of taking a picture of the sun sometime today

Another picture taken before the sunset seen in the previous post.

Nice sun going on there :D It's all natural, except the resizing and downsizing :(

Loving that sunset

I like this last one because it has the moon in the background and a nice Shang Hai Mist (actually just smog)
im assuming you were using your Canon G3...
all hail the might Canon G series!!!
those are some SMEXY night and evening photos!!!
Dude... I'm not gonna put my money into a 1337 cammy It's just too much investment for me.
It's not about the camera, it's how you wield it! (in my case, it's not all that for both)
The last photo is teh awesumz... we shud take over that place 1st!!!!!!!! WORLD DOMINATION HERE I COMEZ!!!!! *goes to prepare C4 and order AK47s from eBay*
Lol. "nice Shang Hai Mist" ay.
Good shit
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