Everyone must push on if they want to get home.
As my legs were giving out, the pain became a hindrance. I said to myself... push on. After the grass there will be something more beyond it.

The blades of grass cut and tear away
Soon... the sun was here, but only to emphasize the naked trees

They were ugly... Their branches hurt a lot worse than the blades of grass.

I kept on walking resisting the pain. But the twigs were now covered in a nice sheet of cherry blossom, like the red carpet, it guided the way home.

Thank you cheery blossoms. I'm home now.
There's always something beautiful around the corner
Don't give up
nice.... altho u mite wanna watch the spelling :P
dude... i dropped u home after the sakura shoot...
Did you.. Photoshop the grass picture? Colors seem unnaturally saturated.
mojo : ? Mozilla says it's fine
raging bull : Dude.. have some imagination. It's a fictional story anyway
huei yin : the only PS i did was resize and tone down the quality. All natural :D The grass was taken on the grass though. I think it's just you that thinks it's a little saturated.
Haha, that comment by Allan breaks the whole atmostphere just like that.
Hi five.
*hi fives andy*
mah bad....
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