December 9, 2007

Degrees of "Pretty-ness"

Laying in my bed, hoping to fall asleep for an early morning.... IMPOSSIBLE. Seeing as how i sleep 2 hours after this time anyway, and I've been sleeping in the car. Thoughts filled my mind, many thoughts regarding the "MegaBass tm" from my W801i, O M G. Tell you about that later heh.
A phrase occurred to me - "You're pretty, in the "I want you to hold me when I'm crying" kinda way." - strange? yea, tell me about it. Which now I'm posting a little entry about it.
Degrees of pretty-ness, don't think that's even close to a real word, BUT! I'd like to say that this falls under the "we're just friends" kinda thing that any two people of opposite sex (or same depending on your sexual orientation) come to in one stage, either at the beginning, or somewhere along the way.
So what does my phrase come under? I think it's the more than just friends category, except the crying bit - maybe just sad *ponders*.
There's also the, "You're pretty, in the "I wanna bang you" kinda way"
and, "You're pretty, "but you're just not my type" kinda way"
and then there's "HELL NO"

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