October 26, 2007

The things we do

A lot about a person you can tell by the way they act, talk and even walk.
Why are some people difficult to talk to?
Why are some people so unwilling to change?
Why people want relationships but end them so fast before they start?
Why people make promises they can't keep?
Why people argue over nothing?
Why people do the things they do.
The answer is woven into their tapestry. Their whole life contributes to who they are. At least that's what I think. The theory goes, a set of twins, from a whore of a mother and a rapist of a father, were given to two different sets of parents. One, with a very good parenting skills, and the other deficient. The argument is that their genetics will guide them towards something terrible, maybe even a natural urge to spread their legs (if girls) or a deep desire for raping!!
Can parents and people effect us so much that our own genetic desires are suppressed and overcome? Or are who we are literally built into us from conception?

Right now, i have no idea where I'm going with this, but who knows. I might be thinking something else but a little harder to put mind onto the keyboard ;)

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